Tried and True Workout

Bosu Shoulder Lunge Blast
Grab some light hand weights and get ready to get sweaty...
LorCore Tip:
Bosu Lunges are a high intensity exercise that will take your breath away.
Listen to me: it's supposed to feel like that. Hang in there for just 30-60 seconds!
Follow it up with an active rest like the shoulder squats seen here and repeat the sequence 2-8 times.
You'll continue burning fat for up to 24 hours after the workout!
Bosu Lunges are a high intensity exercise that will take your breath away.
Listen to me: it's supposed to feel like that. Hang in there for just 30-60 seconds!
Follow it up with an active rest like the shoulder squats seen here and repeat the sequence 2-8 times.
You'll continue burning fat for up to 24 hours after the workout!
The Bosu Shoulder Lunge Blast Video